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We want to emphasize that:

Our team has always been and is, so far, composed of local - Lithuanian - members. Therefore, all the meetings, projects, documents and informal conversations between people are in Lithuanian.​

Due to the complexity of the possible integration process to join MRUSA, we offer you other great alternatives:

  • European Reform University Alliance -

The European Reform University Alliance (ERUA) is a consortium of five European Reform Universities (ERUs) that aims to create an international network of universities united by common values and goals in research, teaching and institutional development.

ERUA is part of the European Commission’s European University Initiative (EUI), which, as a flagship initiative of the European Union (EU), aims to develop the European Education Area, strengthen the strategic partnership between EU higher education institutions and implement the European Higher Education Strategy.




  • ELSA Vilnius, Branch of the European Law Students’ Association -

ELSA MRU – one of ELSA’s branches in Lithuania:

  • The largest law student and youth organization in the world uniting more than 69,000 members;

  • Our members travel, meet, get to know various legal scholars from abroad;

  • Students have possibility to make contact with legal practitioners, well-known lawyers and judges and to acquire teamwork experience and improve their professional skills.


Office: III-224



  • ​Debate Club MRU -

By participating in the Debate Club activities, you will have the possibility to:

  • learn to debate in a modern way;

  • express your opinion by way of arguments;

  • master the art of public speaking;

  • improve your English speaking skills.

In addition, the Debate Club encourages interest in contemporary world and Lithuanian events, to analyze them, discuss with specialists, identify problems and offer rational methods of resolution. Debate Club offers its members the possibility to participate in various tournaments in Lithuania and abroad, to defend your opinion in various types of events, television discussions and in the media.

Phone number: +370 648 34379

  • ESN MRU Vilnius -

ESN MRU Vilnius is a member of one of the largest international Erasmus student network organizations.
Our mission is to provide opportunities for young people to improve themselves according to Students Helping Students (SHS) principle – “students help students“. We assist exchange students, help them to integrate in Lithuania and try to create unforgettable memories for them during their time in Lithuania.



Nevertheless, participating in our meetings and accompanying our team in our work processes, is not forbidden. Just the opposite - You are very welcome to come and see how it's being done! Most of us do speak fluent English so don't even worry about personal communication with members. Our experience shows, that we want foreign participants to take as much as they can from our encounters, therefore, we will assign You a person to translate everything on the spot!


In addition, we do acknowledge that some foreign students are very motivated towards changes and innovations and do want, somehow, to leave a positive impact on our university, students and the whole community and do good things for others. In this case, we suggest and encourage You to:


1) Write your suggestions to our email, Facebook and Instagram direct messages. Or submit anonymously through our website here.

2) Come to our meetings and express your personal opinion on issues that are important to You. We have meetings on Wednesdays at 18:00 in room II-329. Although you can stop by anytime if it is unlocked!

3) If you see a person, rocking an orange hoodie with a white name on the back - that's an MRUSA member - feel free to stop him and express yourself. We guarantee that You will have an, indeed, warm interaction and Your voice will be heard! :)

We are thankful for Your understanding and hope You'll visit us.

See you around!

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